Supported by the Office of Multicultural Interests
Supported by the Office of Multicultural Interests
Compliance with the following regulations of GLCI is understood to be a condition of the Applicant’s admission to the school. Please read the following carefully and seek explanations where necessary prior to signing the Application Form.
Within the limits of our school's set-up and resources, we will endeavour to meet the needs of all students, including those from diverse backgrounds and circumstances. We invite parents/caregivers to discuss their children's needs with us.
Please follow the link below to submit your enrolment form:
For students 4 to 18 years old
For Adults (18 +)
Feel free to share the link with anyone who you might think would be interested in learning Greek.
GLCI recognises the individual needs and rights of every child. The safety and respect of all students is paramount to GLCI, therefore, students and their families are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations that follow, in order to ensure the effective operation of GLCI, the safety of the students and the provision of a quality educational environment for all.
◦ Is dangerous to the school community.
◦ Is offensive, abusive or inconsiderate.
◦ Interferes with the right of teachers to teach and students to learn.
Any serious problem is reported to the Principal (, who discusses the matter with the student, parents and/or teacher concerned, in an effort to reach a just and impartial resolution
◦ Must not visit unauthorized web sites when using the Internet. If an inappropriate web site is accidentally visited, then students must immediately report this to their teacher.
◦ Are forbidden, unless directed by their teacher, to enter details into any online application form while using the Internet at school. This ban applies to use of their own name or personal details, names and personal details of other students, teachers, family or friends and fictitious names and details.
◦ Are forbidden, unless directed by their teacher, from accessing and using web mail, email accounts, newsgroups or chat rooms while using the Internet at school.
◦ Are forbidden to save text, games, music, media clips and/or images to the School Network or on to memory sticks that do not support the educational goals and objectives of the School.
◦ Are forbidden to bring to school, personal computers, laptops, iPods, MP3 Players, Palm Tops, PDA’s and other electronic storage devices (other than memory sticks/thumb drives) at any time without the express permission of the coordinator.
◦ Must include the URL and author/copyright owner when saving information/images etc.
◦ Must appropriately acknowledge the source used in an assignment/investigation in order to avoid plagiarism.
◦ Must cut and paste the information into a Word document for editing to avoid paper wastage.
◦ Must transfer the URL and author/copyright owner to the Word document to ensure acknowledgement and avoid possible plagiarism.